For coaching information please contact Luton Athletic Club’s Coaching Coordinator: Alan Daglish – 07906 509068 /

We train at Stockwood Park Athletic Centre, Farley Hill, Luton, LU1 4BH

If you want more information on membership then you can find that under the information tab plus some more information on training sessions but contact Alan for advice on when to come.


  1. We are interested in finding a place for our 8 year old son to attend – what do you have available please? We also have a 9, 5 and 3 year old who may be interested, but it’s our 8 year old who seems to show talent in running/jumping etc.

  2. I would like my son, to join Athletics club.

    Please may I, have some more information on this ? .

    Thanks Anna

    1. Anna

      Can you let me know your son’s age and if he knows what distance he is interested in ( Not important if does not know) then we can get back to you with a contact at the club

      Luton AC

  3. Hi,

    Am I too old to be taking up athletics?

    I’m going to be turning 35 soon and have a sudden desire to train to run faster.

    I’m interest in mainly 100m, 200m and 400m runs.

    Could you provide any more info for me?

    Thank you,


  4. My son currently plays football and has been advised to get some athletic coaching to help with technique. He is 9 years old is there any availability on classes ?

  5. Hi, my 14yr old son has expressed an interest in athletics – specifically running (short to mid distances). How can he get involved?


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